What may be normal to one is YUCK to another !!!!
Lately it has come out in discussion that there are some "normal" foods that I do not like at all !!! So since this is my blog, I have decided to just come out and give ya'll a list.. This way next time you will not look at me like I am crazy when I say I do not like this certain food that you love !!
1) Ketchup: You read it right.. No need to reread !!! I love my best friend, Rachael Kellis Hamilton, but I feel that this all stems back to her.. She LOVES the stuff. So much that in college she use to eat it plain with a fork when we went out to dinner. Now I never liked it very much, but since that period of us living together... Well that did it for me.. But hook a girl up with some Honey Mustard !!!
2) Donuts: My mother says it is UnAmerican !!! I do not care what it is.. Just the smell of them makes me.. bluh.... As a child after every sleepover the parents would "surprise" all us girls with donuts for breakfast.. I would wake up to that smell... Not at my spend the night parties though!! UnAmerican or Not.... YUCK !!!!!
3) Regular Coke: I do not like the taste of regular coke..never have and never will.. I think I get this from my mother. She loves Diet Coke and drinks it all the time.. We grew up only having diet in our house, so I guess that it all I ever acquired a taste for. No regular for me, but I love me some Diet Coke !!!
4) Doritos: I am sorry Hal and all other Momma G fans, but not even your famous Nacho Doritos make them taste good to me.. I will admit, it has alot to do with the smell. While working at my gym in Montgomery the kids would buy them and eat them right before practice. Then their breathe would have that after smell.. Between the kickin breathe smell and how they make your fingers all yuck and yellowy-orange... No thank you !!!
5) Ranch Dressing: Do you people know that there is a whole world of other dressing outside of ranch ???? And trust me.. they taste much better.. One of my sorority sisters ate her pizza with ranch !!! I am not sure where it all went bad with this one, but it did... Once again.. I am a Honey Mustard girl.. I think I eat that like the rest of the world eats ranch, on EVERYTHING !!
6) Salt and Pepper: Now if I am cooking and the recipe calls for a pinch here and a pinch there.. that is one thing.. But taking a bottle and dumping the stuff right on your food..... I can taste a strong pepper or strong salt taste at first bite... No thank you.. Plus people salt is bad for you !!! (i know so is cookie dough, but we are not talking about that)
7) Honey Buns/Pastries: No doubt I love me some sweet stuff..I can slap go through a huge bag of Sour Patch Kids like it is nothing. But there is just something about Honey Buns and anything like them, yuck !!! For breakfast I think I will stick with plain ole' Kellogg's, thank you very much!!
Do you care what "normal" foods I do not like.. Probably not, but that is why this is call "Perfectly Pink", my blog.. not yours.. And anyway.. this way next time you will not look at me like I am crazy when you ask if I would like a Donut covered with Ketchup dipped in Ranch with Salt and Pepper sprinkled on top.. and I say....
YUCK !!!!!!!