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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Move that felt like it would NEVER End !!

Yes I know.. Far behind is an understatement !! But what can I say ? I could not find the USB cord.. But finally I found it, which means we are beginning to get settled in. But I'm jumping ahead.. Let me back up a little....
A few weekends ago it was moving extravaganza for The Mullen's.. that is right, not moving day.. but moving dayS !! The week before our big moving weekend Michael and I took car loads over thinking how much that would help. We loaded our cars before and after work. Michael took off of work on Friday so we could get the real party started.. We woke up at 5:30 in the morning and 16 hours later ended that day !! Saturday we woke up around 7:00 and Michael headed out to get the Uhaul. Mr. Mullen, Justin H., Drew K., Chris R., and Jason J. all got to our house around 8:00. We loaded the Uhaul with furniture.. loaded it completely and then put some stuff in the back of Chris' Truck. Once we got to the house.. the bottom dropped out of the sky and the rain began. I think God got tired of my begging and soon after it started, the rain went to a slight drizzle. After all that was unloaded the guys left and Michael and I went back and filled the Uhaul again. We were dead tired and ended that day around 6pm. Sunday.. we still had much to do. By the afternoon we had almost everything out, but because we are renting the house out I had to clean it from top to bottom. Thank goodness Mrs Daffin (Michael's Mother) came to help. At around 7:30 we were finished. I was so beat that once we pulled away, well I was way too tired to even be emotional.
Let me recap..
Friday =16 hours
Saturday = 11 hours
Sunday = 11 hours
TOTAL = 38 hours of moving (not counting the hours put in the week before)..
Equaling... the move from HELL !!!
Waking up Monday morning we were sore and needed rest, but it was nice to know that everything was in the house.
Now we did not know where anything was, but it was somewhere in our new house. And that was a good feeling !!
A BIG BIG BIG thank you to all the guys that helped us move. NO WAY could we have done this without you !!
So I have just one thing left to say..
Welcome Home Mullen Family... WELCOME HOME !!!


The Cosby's said...

I'm glad you're in. The house already looks different with the shrubs/trees cut. Can't wait to see the inside!

Jamie Grizzle said...

Sorry it was a such a bad move! I know you are glad to be in and have your beautiful new house. They outside looks great with the trimming you did to the hedges!

Holly-- The Storm Chaser said...

What a pretty house. Hope the un-packing is more fun than the packing was. Take care!

brooke said...

Congrats on a new house! It is so pretty! I know how hard moving is and boy I feel for ya! We still have things that haven't found a place in our house now!!