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Friday, August 28, 2009

Mandy's Bachelorette Weekend.. Part 1.. Laughing till you Cry !!

<--- From L-R
Melody, Me, Keely, Mandy, and Shara
(Robin was there, but somehow missed all the photos)
One of my very best friends from growing up/ high school is getting married this October. So on a few weekends ago we got together for a good ole Bachelorette Weekend.
Melody offered to host at her place in Atlanta, so on Friday I was on my way.
We spent Friday night staying up late at Mel's catching up, remembering fun times, and laughing till we cried.
We all cheered and did everything else together in high school. We were all just the best of friends..
Mandy's soon to be husband sent a gun with her to fight off the all the men in the mean streets of ATL...
Mel, Shara, Mandy, and Morgan Me, Keely, Shara, and Mandy just chillin'

Mel and I
Keely and I
I was trying to hold the camera and get a picture of all of us, but I have the shortest arms and was laughing so hard... It took a few tries...

Mel, Jessa Belle (J. Belle), Kiwi, Mandy Pooh, and Shera... All our nicknames in High School that we still use to this day !!
Mel looking all hot in her new Burberry Rain Coat..
What in the world.. Who knew the hood came off !!

Keely, Mandy, and Morgan.. (Morgan is Keely's younger sister that was around us alot growing up so of course she was included in on the fun weekend)
Shara, and Keely, and I

Such a fun night... I would have drivin all the way to ATL just for that one night.. But there was more fun to come.. Which means way more pictures to come too !!!


Rachael Hamilton said...

Awhh...how much fun! I'm glad you posted pics from that weekend! Remember your college friends love you more!!;)

McKinney Madness said...

Too much fun!! Next time, invite me!! : )