I made the flower arrangement for the table. I love the letters that I found.. CWP is Coltons initials. The food table.. Yum Yum the food was good !!
We played a few fun games. One game we each got to tear off as many squares of toilet paper that we thought could perfectly fit around Martina's belly.. Some people were close and some.. not so close at all !!!
Not to mention any names.... RACHEL.. was not so close.. As you can tell, the amount of toilet squares she chose fit around more than twice !!!
Rachel did a lot better in the dirty diaper game.. (thank goodness it was not a real dirty diaper, only a melted candy bar) Rachel and Bethany were the last two girls left playing "pass the dirty diaper". Think "hot potato" !!!!
Martina got some really cute stuff. Cortney and I got her a diaper bag. I think it turned out super cute.. Cortney gets all the credit for picking that out.. Good job Cort !!!
On Sunday, August 3 we had a combined Lifegroup in the park. As I have said before that our lifegroup "multiplied" into two groups. But because we are so close we try to get together at least once a month. This month we grilled out at Homewood Park..
Justin looks very excited about this picture !!! Thanks for the smile Justin !!Some of us girls catching a picture for the blog !!
Top: me, Rachel, Lanie Bottom: Lora, Maghan, Cortney, and Heather
We were blessed enough to have our preacher, Craig Kelley, come to speak to us !! As you might have read on one or two of our lifegroup blogs.... we are very blessed to have each other and are very good friends. Craig wanted to remind us how many Non-Christians there are in Birmingham.. We have multiplied once, but we need to keep inviting friends and share this great thing we have in our lives. If we keep on growing we could be multiplying again soon.. And as hard as that might be.. it is a great thing !!
This last picture is my favorite.. With the sun as a background, Craig standing and speaking, and our best friends in Birmingham huddled around to listen !! This was a great night.... I just love our friends !!! Wow... we are BLESSED !!!!
The baby shower was fun. Thanks for helping with it. Glad you got to come up to the hospital to visit us too. It meant a lot to have you there. Can't wait till you can come over to the house and visit again soon!
I love our "life group," too! We are definitely blessed.
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